Takeback for Schools
TAKEBACK for SCHOOLS is the environmentally friendly way to raise funds for your school by recycling Toner Cartridges, Ink Cartridges and Mobile Phones.
Why choose Takeback?
The TAKEBACK for SCHOOLS recycling program has been running successfully for many years and specialises in the free collection of unwanted mobile phones and empty toner and inkjet cartridges that are used in most of today’s mainstream printers, faxes and multifunction copier/fax/scanner devices.
Many of these unwanted toner cartridges, inkjet cartridges and mobile phones have a value and we are specialists in getting as much value as we can from these products, which allows any school to raise much needed funds by getting paid for these empty cartridges and used mobile phones.
What does my school need to do?
For best results, you need to ask the staff, pupils, parents and PTA to participate in the scheme, not just as a fundraising project, but also as a valuable way of introducing recycling and caring for the environment to the pupils.
Ask the parents to bring in used cartridges or mobiles from home and their workplace, and once there are over twenty cartridges of value, we will then collect them free of charge. Give our free postal return bags to all children so that their parents can simply post back any inkjets or redundant mobiles they have at home. Local companies may also like to get involved, and some parents may be able to persuade their workplace to join the scheme directly and have their cartridges collected from them by us, but with the proceeds going to the school.
Put this information on our collection scheme in your newsletter and put our poster on your notice boards, whatever you do, just tell everybody!
Will Takeback actually pay for our empty cartridges and not just offer promises or prizes?
Yes here at Takeback we really will pay you for your empty cartridges and mobile phones and a price list is available to registered users. We have worked in conjunction with many schools and over the years have donated well needed funds to hundreds of different projects. When you join the TAKEBACK for SCHOOLS collection program you choose how you wish to receive the monies. If you can accept payment by BACS then there is no minimum payment amount, if you need payment by cheque then you will be paid every time your account exceeds a balance of £50.
Which cartridges do Takeback collect?
There are several hundred cartridges that Takeback are able to collect free of charge and pay you for. A list of the current cartridges that have value can be viewed on our monthly published qualifying list.
If you are using one of our charity or school postal bags then please see our bag check section for what cartridges and mobiles will benefit the charities.
How do I join the TAKEBACK for SCHOOLS collection program?
To join our program and start raising money for your school please register on our site or contact our collections team who will be happy to help.
Once you are registered you can book your free collections online or by emailing collections@takeback.ltd.uk or by calling our collections team on 01842 821982.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many cartridges does my School need to have to warrant a free collection? What do Takeback do with these cartridges? Does anything go to landfill? Which mobile phones do Takeback collect?
To read our FAQ please click here
Packing Guidelines
Wherever possible, the best protection for a cartridge is to put it back in the original box that it was supplied in. Please remember, a damaged cartridge has no value, as its primal worth is in reuse, not recycling, so for us to receive them undamaged is paramount. more...
Case History - Elmsett School
A small primary school in Elmsett, Suffolk joined the TAKEBACK for SCHOOLS cartridge collection program. Read more...
To print, save or view a summary of this information on our schools charity collection program as a pdf please click here.